Booking Conditions

1. Upon confirmation of the availability of your required dates, we will accept this as a provisional booking at your request which we will hold for two weeks.

2. To confirm the booking, please complete, sign and return a completed booking form within two weeks, with the approximate number of students who will be attending.

3. A non-returnable deposit invoice for £500.00 will be issued; upon receipt of your deposit your booking will be confirmed.

4. Six weeks prior to the start of the course, we will contact you for final numbers, special dietary requirements, and expected time of arrival and departure. A Final invoice will be issued based on confirmed numbers. We would suggest that your organisation starts collecting payment as so as possible for your course. This should give you a more definite idea of numbers. This early commitment from both students and parents will enable us to staff your course appropriately according to the numbers you have given us

Conditions of Cancellation

1. In the event of a booking being cancelled by Dukes Barn:

All fees paid in advance will be refunded in full.

2. In the event of the organisation cancelling the booking:

Greater than three months in advance - the initial deposit will not be refunded, but all other payments in advanced will be refunded.

Less than three months in advance - the full course fee based on your original booking will be invoiced and will be due immediately.

3. Individual cancellations:

Greater than six weeks in advance - no charge will be made for the individual.

Less than six weeks in advance - the full cost will be invoiced and will be payable on the invoice due date.

Should an individual cancel their place on the course due to sickness a full refund will be given providing we are in receipt of a doctors note. If a person leaves after arrival no refund will be issued.